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Join Us - Voluneers Needed!

COBA is run 100% by community/league volunteers. We are looking for volunteers to fill the open spots on the board.  Whether you have specific skills to improve the league, great ideas on how to make the league better, or you are looking for a way to be more involved, we need your help!  If you are interested in making the commitment and joining our team, please contact one of us below.

Kealii Makanani


Kalani Perreira

Operations Director

Kalani Watson

Business Director

Dawn Sugikawa

Admin Director

Jacob Reis

Equipment and Maintenance Director

Mike Connolly

Umpire Coordinator

Kylee Abad

(6U) Coordinator

Koa Vierra

(8U) Coordinator

Weston Kurisu

(10U) Coordinator

Kalani Perreira

(12U) Coordinator

John Hirai

(15U) Coordinator

Keith Pongasi

(17U) Coordinator

John Hirai
